5 years ago
Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie
This year has seen the delivery of a number of programs that will improve the lives of the 30 per cent of Australians who live in regional, rural and remote Australia.
After twelve months as Deputy Leader of the Nationals and as Minister for Regional Services, Local Government, Sport and Decentralisation, Senator Bridget McKenzie said the Liberal Nationals government had listened to the needs of regional Australia and had delivered significant improvements that will make a tangible benefit to their lives.
“Twelve months after being given the privilege to be Deputy Leader and a Minister, I am extremely proud of what we have managed to achieve to improve the lives of regional Australians,” Minister McKenzie said.
“It is humbling to be able to serve the nation in this role but it is also incredibly rewarding, knowing that the decisions we are taking will make a real difference to the lives of regional Australians.
“The fact we have been able to achieve so much only serves to provide me with more enthusiasm for next year and what further challenges we can meet.
“Over the past twelve months, I have had the opportunity to meet so many unique and inspiring Australians who are selflessly helping their community, working hard to provide for their family and preparing for the future.
“As a result taking responsible economic decisions that will see the budget return to surplus for the first time in ten years, we can make these significant investments in regional Australia.
“With regional Australia producing 70 per cent of the nation’s exports, we know that strong and growing regions means a strong Australia.”
“With regional Australia producing 70 per cent of the nation’s exports, we know that strong and growing regions means a strong Australia.”
Rural Health:
The Government will invest $550 million in the Stronger Rural Health Strategy. This Strategy will deliver approximately 3,000 additional doctors for rural Australia, more than 3,000 additional nurses in rural general practice and hundreds of additional allied health professionals in the regions over 10 years.
The Government will invest $550 million in the Stronger Rural Health Strategy. This Strategy will deliver approximately 3,000 additional doctors for rural Australia, more than 3,000 additional nurses in rural general practice and hundreds of additional allied health professionals in the regions over 10 years.
As part of this, last week I announced the establishment of Murray-Darling Medical Schools in Dubbo, Wodonga, Orange and Wagga.
The establishment of the Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network provides the opportunity for students from the Murray-Darling region to stay in the region while undertaking their medical training.
This measure will address rural doctor shortages, improve the future distribution of the medical workforce and build on the Government’s existing investment in rural undergraduate training
The Liberal Nationals government want the benefits of strong national economic growth to not be restricted to our major cities but to be felt right across the nation, delivered by our Decentralisation Agenda.
Over the past 5 years, the Liberal Nationals footprint in regional Australia has grown by 2 per cent and we have delivered more than 1,150 jobs out of Canberra and metropolitan Sydney and Melbourne.
I have recently had to honour of announcing that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority will create 70 new and relocated jobs in regional locations like Coffs Harbour, Gladstone, Geraldton and Hobart.
And I recently announced that the Decentralisation Agenda will deliver up to 40 regional and remote jobs through the Aboriginal Hostels Limited (AHL) regional network, including hostels located in Rockhampton, Alice Springs Mount Isa and Derby.
These announcements bring frontline service delivery to the regions where the people that use the services are located.
Regional Telecommunications:
The Liberal National government understands the critical importance of improving digital connectivity in regional, rural and remote Australia.
The Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP) is helping keep people safe with improved natural disaster warnings, enables families and friends to connect with each other, increases profitability on farms and small businesses through higher productivity and allows distance education and telehealth services to be delivered in hard-to-reach places.
Our $220 million MBSP has attracted significant co-contributions from all levels of government, mobile network operators and community organisations to deliver a total new investment of $680 million.
The first three rounds of the MBSP are delivering 867 base stations across the country with 651 currently on air.
Round 4 applications are being received up until 10 January 2019 and $25 million has been allocated under a fourth round to further improve mobile coverage across the country.
In contrast, Labor have no plan to keep the program going to improve connectivity. Labor’s Shadow Minister for Regional Communications Stephen Jones has confirmed they have no policy: Labor has stopped short of committing to any funding…
In August, the Liberal National government delivered the first ever national sports plan – Sport 2030 – that will help build greater participation in sport and physical activity; achieve national pride through international sporting success; ensure the integrity of sport and strengthen Australia’s growing sports industry.
Our government is also delivering a $230 million package of sports and physical activity participation initiatives to get more Australians, more active, more often.
Sport at all levels has an extraordinary power to generate health, social and economic benefits across the Australian community. Participation in sport and physical activity is vital for the health and wellbeing of all Australians.
We are backing community sporting clubs with $29.7 million for the sports infrastructure grants program. This means community sporting clubs will share in infrastructure grants of up to $500,000 for projects to improve existing or ageing facilities.
To tackle the drought, our government has established a $5 billion Future Drought Fund that guarantees support against future droughts faced by farmers and communities in rural and regional Australia. This funding will support farmers and their local communities when it’s not raining.
We have also boosted the Drought Communities Program and increased the number of local councils that can apply for funding up to 81. This provides an opportunity for each of these communities to invest $1 million to stimulate their local economies.
This boosts our total commitment to this program to $81.1 million, helping communities stimulate their local economies, through new or upgraded community infrastructure, road upgrades, and water infrastructure projects.
We will also help to take some of the pressure off farmers and their families by helping them to keep food on the table, pay their bills and meet their basic needs.
Our government will give $30 million to the key charities to provide support to at least 10,000 households facing hardship. This will help individuals and families to get by while returning the money to local communities.
“The last twelve months have been challenging but rewarding for regional Australians and we understand that there is still a lot more to do,” Minister McKenzie said.
“The Liberal Nationals government remains firmly committed to taking the right decisions to keep our economy strong to create jobs, supporting small businesses and families and ensuring regional Australians have access to the services they need.”