5 years ago
Today is the United Nations World Tourism Day. The theme in 2019 is "Tourism and Jobs - A Better Future for All.”
World Tourism Day recognises tourism's significant and important role in job creation, which is frequently undervalued.
According to the UN, tourism generates 10 per cent of all jobs in the world, while in Australia the sector provides around 8 per cent of all jobs and we know that figure could be higher.
For example, in Tasmania, tourism accounts either directly or indirectly for 17.2 per cent of all jobs.
Employment forecasts show that, nationally, at least an additional 62,000 workers are needed over the next five years to fill posts across the tourism industry
But the out-of-touch Liberal-National Government has completely mismanaged the Vocational Education and Training sector, which is the primary supplier of workers in the tourism industry.
Under this out-of-touch Government, $3 billion has been slashed from TAFE and training, and Australia has lost more than 150,000 apprentices and trainees.
Continued growth in the tourism industry is vital to communities across Australia but without investment and planning; skill deficiencies, recruitment and retention will remain significant challenges.
The Liberal-National Government must address critical skills shortages that are hurting Australian tourism businesses and preventing Australians from being employed in this rewarding, diverse and important industry.
World Tourism Day recognises tourism's significant and important role in job creation, which is frequently undervalued.
According to the UN, tourism generates 10 per cent of all jobs in the world, while in Australia the sector provides around 8 per cent of all jobs and we know that figure could be higher.
For example, in Tasmania, tourism accounts either directly or indirectly for 17.2 per cent of all jobs.
Employment forecasts show that, nationally, at least an additional 62,000 workers are needed over the next five years to fill posts across the tourism industry
But the out-of-touch Liberal-National Government has completely mismanaged the Vocational Education and Training sector, which is the primary supplier of workers in the tourism industry.
Under this out-of-touch Government, $3 billion has been slashed from TAFE and training, and Australia has lost more than 150,000 apprentices and trainees.
Continued growth in the tourism industry is vital to communities across Australia but without investment and planning; skill deficiencies, recruitment and retention will remain significant challenges.
The Liberal-National Government must address critical skills shortages that are hurting Australian tourism businesses and preventing Australians from being employed in this rewarding, diverse and important industry.