5 years ago
Federal Labor calls on the RSPCA to move swiftly to fully compensate any staff who have been underpaid.
All employers – whether they’re multinational giants or not-for-profit charities – must pay their staff properly.
It is incumbent on employers of all sizes to ensure they understand their obligations to their workers. They must obey employment laws the same way they obey taxation laws.
Every Australian worker has a right to be paid what they’re owed.
Wage theft is employer lawlessness – and it has been allowed to flourish under the Liberals.
Five years after wage theft and worker exploitation became a mainstream issue, the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government still hasn’t done anything to stamp it out.
A “discussion paper” isn’t action. Australian workers need to know that their employers cannot rip them off with impunity. And they need to know that if they are short-changed their claims will be taken seriously and they’ll be repaid fully and quickly.
Scott Morrison and Christian Porter’s current attack on the union movement via the so-called Ensuring Integrity Bill will lead to more wage theft – wrapping unions in more red tape and costly legal action when they should be spending all their time fighting for workers.
The Liberals should stop attacking unions and start protecting workers.
All employers – whether they’re multinational giants or not-for-profit charities – must pay their staff properly.
It is incumbent on employers of all sizes to ensure they understand their obligations to their workers. They must obey employment laws the same way they obey taxation laws.
Every Australian worker has a right to be paid what they’re owed.
Wage theft is employer lawlessness – and it has been allowed to flourish under the Liberals.
Five years after wage theft and worker exploitation became a mainstream issue, the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government still hasn’t done anything to stamp it out.
A “discussion paper” isn’t action. Australian workers need to know that their employers cannot rip them off with impunity. And they need to know that if they are short-changed their claims will be taken seriously and they’ll be repaid fully and quickly.
Scott Morrison and Christian Porter’s current attack on the union movement via the so-called Ensuring Integrity Bill will lead to more wage theft – wrapping unions in more red tape and costly legal action when they should be spending all their time fighting for workers.
The Liberals should stop attacking unions and start protecting workers.