Australia and the United States celebrate 50 years for Naval Communication Station Harold E Holt

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7 years ago
Australia and the United States celebrate 50 years for Naval Communication Station Harold E Holt
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, today congratulated the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the United States Navy on the 50th anniversary of the official commissioning of Naval Communication Station Harold E Holt in Exmouth, Western Australia.
Minister Payne said this long standing joint initiative has ensured our nation’s important strategic capabilities and borders are protected.
“Since the station was commissioned on 16 September 1967, it has played a significant part in the Australia-US relationship through its strategic and operational role,” Minister Payne said.
The station was built following the 1963 signing of construction and operation agreements, and the status of forces agreement, between Australia and the United States.
“The Station provides Very Low Frequency (VLF) communication transmission services in support of Australian, US and allied submarines and has strengthened the relationship between Australia and the United States,” Minister Payne said.
“The VLF antenna array covers over 400 hectares. The antennas are a large spiderweb of wires supported in a top hat arrangement using 13 towers, the tallest of which is nearly 400 metres high.”
In 1992 command of the base was officially passed from the United States Navy to the Royal Australian Navy.
The Station is now operated and maintained by the Australian Department of Defence on behalf of the Commonwealth and the United States, after a formal agreement between both countries was signed in 2008.
Created in support of the Station’s construction and operation, the town of Exmouth was declared open on the same day as the Station was commissioned and has become a popular tourist destination.
Defence ADF Communications Navy submarines