4 years ago
The Australian Climate Roundtable statement has warned Scott Morrison’s refusal to adopt the target of net zero emissions by 2050 is putting the prosperity of the nation at risk.
This statement has to be the wake-up call for Scott Morrison to finally listen to its members (which include: the BCA, AiGroup, the Aluminium Council, the National Farmers Federation, and the ACTU) that net zero emissions by 2050 is fundamental to secure Australia’s safety and prosperity.
Because the Liberals have spent seven years fighting any genuine climate action and refusing to commit to net zero emissions by 2050, the roundtable says;
This statement has to be the wake-up call for Scott Morrison to finally listen to its members (which include: the BCA, AiGroup, the Aluminium Council, the National Farmers Federation, and the ACTU) that net zero emissions by 2050 is fundamental to secure Australia’s safety and prosperity.
Because the Liberals have spent seven years fighting any genuine climate action and refusing to commit to net zero emissions by 2050, the roundtable says;
“Australia is currently woefully unprepared for the scale of climate change threats that will emerge over the coming decades.”
The roundtable “encourages the Commonwealth Government to guide its policies by adopting a long-term objective of net zero emissions by 2050.
“There is no systemic government response… action is piecemeal; uncoordinated; does not engage business, private sector investment, unions, workers in affected industries, community sector and communities; and does not match the scale of the threat climate change represents to the Australian economy, environment and society.
“Without a coherent national response to climate change the future prosperity of the nation will be at risk.
“We run the risk that investment will flow to other economies with clearer targets and transition roadmaps.
“We need both a transition to net zero emissions and to build resilience to those impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided.”
The roundtable “encourages the Commonwealth Government to guide its policies by adopting a long-term objective of net zero emissions by 2050.
“There is no systemic government response… action is piecemeal; uncoordinated; does not engage business, private sector investment, unions, workers in affected industries, community sector and communities; and does not match the scale of the threat climate change represents to the Australian economy, environment and society.
“Without a coherent national response to climate change the future prosperity of the nation will be at risk.
“We run the risk that investment will flow to other economies with clearer targets and transition roadmaps.
“We need both a transition to net zero emissions and to build resilience to those impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided.”
If Scott Morrison or the “moderate Liberals” have any backbone they will listen to this statement and commit to net zero emissions by 2050.