4 years ago
National Redress Scheme feedback study open as more institutions sign up
Senator the Hon Anne Ruston
A feedback study giving survivors of child sexual abuse a chance to have a say on their experience with the National Redress Scheme is now open.
Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the Government has funded the University of New South Wales to conduct the study as part of the second year review.
“We want to hear from survivors to understand what is working and how we can address the challenges and barriers that remain,” Minister Ruston said.
“I encourage survivors, their families and carers, support services and advocacy groups to engage in the process. We want to improve the Scheme and we want to do that together.”
The feedback will assist independent reviewer Ms Robyn Kruk AO to understand people’s experience through the application process as well as understand why people have not applied. The feedback study will close at 11.00pm AEST on 23 October 2020.
It comes as a further 31 institutions have now signed up to the National Redress Scheme including 16 institutions that submitted an intent to join the Scheme prior to the 1 July 2020 deadline.
“I would like to acknowledge the significant number of institutions which committed to join the Scheme and have finalised the on-boarding process, including those not named in the Royal Commission or in an application,” Minister Ruston said.
“I urge other institutions that have submitted their intent to join the Scheme to finalise the process to join the Scheme as soon as possible.”
This announcement means more than 42 applications can now be progressed.
Further information about the second anniversary review and feedback study is available on the website: https://www.nationalredress.gov.au/about/second-anniversary-review