3 years ago
Julie Collins MP
The Minister for Agriculture must start focussing on the serious issues facing Australian farmers and regional communities after an embarrassing week for the Nationals.
Farmers and producers across the country are facing chronic workforce shortages, there is a horrific mouse plague across four states, and the Morrison Government’s biosecurity system has been slammed by the Auditor-General.
But instead of focussing on these serious issues, the Nationals are just talking about themselves.
When the Minister for Agriculture should be ambitious for regional communities he is only ambitious for himself.
Just today we see further impact of workforce shortages with growers predicting fresh produce prices will stay ‘high for months’.
Australian consumers will pay the price for the Morrison Government’s inaction.
Farmers have been crying out for more support but the Nationals have only been interested in talking about themselves.
The Morrison Government is still yet to respond to the recommendations of the National Agricultural Workforce Strategy handed to it in October.
There is still no national plan for the horrific mouse plague which continues to hit farmers and producers across the country.
With the number of serious issues facing farmers growing, Minister Littleproud and the Nationals must starting focussing on regional communities and not themselves.
Farmers and producers across the country are facing chronic workforce shortages, there is a horrific mouse plague across four states, and the Morrison Government’s biosecurity system has been slammed by the Auditor-General.
But instead of focussing on these serious issues, the Nationals are just talking about themselves.
When the Minister for Agriculture should be ambitious for regional communities he is only ambitious for himself.
Just today we see further impact of workforce shortages with growers predicting fresh produce prices will stay ‘high for months’.
Australian consumers will pay the price for the Morrison Government’s inaction.
Farmers have been crying out for more support but the Nationals have only been interested in talking about themselves.
The Morrison Government is still yet to respond to the recommendations of the National Agricultural Workforce Strategy handed to it in October.
There is still no national plan for the horrific mouse plague which continues to hit farmers and producers across the country.
With the number of serious issues facing farmers growing, Minister Littleproud and the Nationals must starting focussing on regional communities and not themselves.