3 years ago
Today, while over 12 million Australians are in lockdown and the national focus is understandably on the COVID-19 outbreaks, Scott Morrison has snuck out almost 1,000 cuts and changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule.
Patients around Australia, who have been left in limbo for months, will now be going into surgeries unaware how much their out of pocket cost will be.
Hip specialist Dr John O’Donnell told The Daily Telegraph, “certainly there are going to be increases in out of pocket expenses.” Dr O’Donnell also said patients had already put off their surgery until they could be sure of their out of pocket costs.
The AMA, the Grattan Institute, health funds, the Consumers Health Forum, and the Australian Orthopaedic Association, have all warned that Scott Morrison’s Medicare cuts and changes will impact on fees and lead to an increase in out of pocket costs for patients.
Eight long years of this Government have proved time and time again that cutting Medicare is in the Liberals’ DNA. You can never trust the Liberals and Nationals on Medicare.
Labor built Medicare and we will always protect it.
Patients around Australia, who have been left in limbo for months, will now be going into surgeries unaware how much their out of pocket cost will be.
Hip specialist Dr John O’Donnell told The Daily Telegraph, “certainly there are going to be increases in out of pocket expenses.” Dr O’Donnell also said patients had already put off their surgery until they could be sure of their out of pocket costs.
The AMA, the Grattan Institute, health funds, the Consumers Health Forum, and the Australian Orthopaedic Association, have all warned that Scott Morrison’s Medicare cuts and changes will impact on fees and lead to an increase in out of pocket costs for patients.
Eight long years of this Government have proved time and time again that cutting Medicare is in the Liberals’ DNA. You can never trust the Liberals and Nationals on Medicare.
Labor built Medicare and we will always protect it.