3 years ago
Boosting economic opportunities with Vietnam
The Morrison Government is helping to strengthen trade opportunities with Vietnam, to support local jobs and businesses.
The Government is providing $2.5 million to fund 28 small-scale projects to create economic opportunities and deepen business cooperation, such as:
- $99,475 to scale up the technology of organic food production, certification, and trade between Vietnam and Australia.
- $56,160 to provide 20 female entrepreneurs in Vietnam with invaluable international education and experience to build their capacity as entrepreneurs.
- $95,000 to help 300 Australian businesses to grow and diversify their exports and supply chains to Vietnam.
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan, said the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Grant (AVEG) pilot program would open doors for Australian industries ranging from agriculture to education, digital technologies to SME supply chains.
“Australia is working with Vietnam to grow our trade relationship, with an aim to become top ten trade partners and double investment,” Mr Tehan said.
“Strengthening our trade relationship will create jobs and opportunities in both countries.
“These grants are part of our early harvest activities to support Australian businesses to engage with Vietnam.”
“Over the past 20 years, the Vietnam-Australia two-way trade relationship has grown on average by 8.6% each year.
“The Australian Government is committed to further strengthening our economic relationship with Vietnam and unlocking opportunities for Australian businesses.”
For more information on the AVEG program visit the DFAT website.