3 years ago
Australians can now easily see how Scott Morrison has failed the vaccine rollout and why we are all paying the price for his failures.
Labor’s Not On Your Side website has been updated today to detail more than 80 key developments as Mr Morrison failed his vaccine targets and prioritised photo-opps over follow-up.
Amongst these 80 key developments, Labor can reveal that Scott Morrison has failed at least 10 targets during his failed vaccine rollout:
Labor’s Not On Your Side website has been updated today to detail more than 80 key developments as Mr Morrison failed his vaccine targets and prioritised photo-opps over follow-up.
Amongst these 80 key developments, Labor can reveal that Scott Morrison has failed at least 10 targets during his failed vaccine rollout:
- 28 February: On 7 Jan, Scott Morrison set a weekly target to deliver 80,000 doses by February. However, in the entire month of February, only 31,894 vaccine doses were administered.
- 28 February: On 15 Feb, Scott Morrison set a new target for February (dropping his 80,000 dose per week target). Instead, he promised 60,000 doses. However, there were only 31,894 vaccine doses administered in Australia.
- 31 March: Scott Morrison failed his target of 4 million vaccinations by the end of March. Instead, there were only 600,000 vaccine doses administered by the end of March.
- 10 April: Scott Morrison failed his target to have aged care residents and workers, and disability care residents and workers fully vaccinated by Easter.
- 10 April: Scott Morrison breaks his target to have all Australians fully vaccinated by October saying, “The Government has also not set, nor has any plans to set any new targets for completing first doses. While we would like to see these doses completed before the end of the year, it is not possible to set such targets given the many uncertainties involved.”
- 7 May: Scott Morrison breaks his promise to keep National Cabinet on a ‘war footing’ until the vaccine rollout is back on track.
- 10 May: Scott Morrison failed his target of 6 million vaccinations by the 10th of May.
- 31 May: Scott Morrison fails his target to have 13 pop-up vaccine clinics for aged care workers operational nationwide by the end of May – still only three are opened in Sydney.
- 26 June: Only one-third of aged care workers had received a single dose of the vaccine,despite the target that all aged care workers would be fully vaccinated by Easter.
- 13 July: Five months into the rollout and only 40 per cent of aged care workers have received their first vaccines. Aged care workers were supposed to be fully vaccinated by Easter.
From the very beginning Scott Morrison failed the vaccine rollout. Scott Morrison ignored Labor’s calls to secure more vaccine deals, he didn’t purchase enough vaccine supply and he didn’t think the rollout was a race.
The rollout is a race and now 18 months into the pandemic our two biggest states are in lockdown, millions of workers are going without wages and businesses are crippled.
Scott Morrison had two jobs this year: a speedy effective rollout of the vaccine and quarantine. He has monumentally failed both.
Labor will continue to update the Not On Your Side website about this and the many other scandals, rorts and mismanagement of the Morrison Government.
Scott Morrison is not on your side.